Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hundreds of Stanford profs demand that the university divest itself of fossil-fuel securities.


Let me play the devil's advocate here.  The US has an opportunity to be energy independent.  After 13 years of war in the Middle East, Americans might be forgiven, if we wish we could sever our dependence upon OPEC petroleum.  Our involvement in the Middle East might be reduced to insuring Israeli security.  We could leave the Arab world to bludgeon itself into oblivion.  We might even reduce the risk of domestic terror attacks, many of which --- notably 9/11, according to no less an authority than bin Laden himself --- were motivated by "infidel" presence on Muslim soil.

All this ought to be weighed against the uncertain results that abandoning fossil fuels might have upon the equally uncertain effects of global warming.

Certainly, we should be developing alternative energy sources as quickly as possible.  The wind farms planned for Cape Cod are a great example of what we ought to be doing, as part of a broader Renaissance of American infra-structure.

But, meanwhile, I believe we need to balance concerns about global warming with national security and economic interests that are in my mind every bit as vital to our nation.

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