Monday, June 29, 2015

Why are marginal colleges like the Walking Dead?

The more pertinent question may be, "Is America better served or worse served by the survival of so many little schools that skate by on the brink of financial failure year after year after year?"

Some years ago I followed the trials and tribs of Hiwassee College, a small Christian school that the southern state accreditors had in their gun sights. 
What I learned was that a combination of dedicated employees who work cheap; a loyal alumni base that helps ensure a steady trickle of students; administrators who tenaciously battle the accrediting agent, even into federal court; an austere budget --- and for all I know, God's will --- keeps these places afloat on an always stormy financial sea.

Put aside loyalty, faith and the like, and ask whether the students could be better educated elsewhere, and I think the answer must be "yes." True believers no doubt will hastily retort that such schools teach values that alternative universities, however better academically, would not and could not teach. 

And so, in this land of alleged free markets, both financial and intellectual, it comes down to point of view, I suppose.

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