Saturday, June 27, 2015

Herewith, the Supreme Court's decision on gay marriage and the several states:

This decision on top of the Windsor decision several years ago, which declared the federal Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional, pretty much institutionalizes gay marriage in the U.S.  That is a remarkable development in the one Western nation that continues to have a significant fundamentalist Christian population.

There are a number of things that I never thought I would see in my lifetime:
1.  The end of the Cold War without a nuclear holocaust (albeit that a**h*** Putin says he's having another 40 ICBMs built this year... a neo-Csar with a small-penis problem, if you ask me)

2.  The end of Apartheid without a race war and bloodbath in South Africa.

3.  A black face in the White House... and he got re-elected, proving it wasn't just some Great Recession, crazy mad voter fluke.

And now the recognition of gay rights.  All that's left in this department is for the Congress to finally amend the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include sexual preference among the protected categories. The Prez has already extended those rights in the area of government contracting via an executive order last year.  And many states and cities have gotten out in front of Uncle Sam on the issue. 

As one who was representing gay HIV victims 20 years ago --- --- once more I feel lucky to have lived to see this historic SCOTUS decision.  Despite 400 Americans controlling more wealth than the entire lower half of the population; despite the Court's endorsement of unlimited campaign contributions by these wealthy buggers; despite how just plain brainless so many of my "Fellow Americans" have become in this age of Tweets and Twits... some real progress has been made for peace, for tolerance, and for civil rights and liberties.

Yesterday was a good day.

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