Friday, June 5, 2015

An understatement, if ever there was.

NCAA concludes that UNC lacked "institutional control" over its athletic program.
So, when your people are running phantom courses to keep your athletes in compliance, I guess that's either ignorance or complicity... incompetence or culpability.  Isn't that so?

I'm not so naive as to think that "the good old days" of sport were pristine.  But I do recall a column by Dick Feegler of the defunct Cleveland Press, back in the 90s, when even then --- having visited the New York Yankees' Manhattan cribs while covering the World Series.  Feegler remembered when he was a boy in Cleveland and the great Indians pitcher Early Winn walked home from the ballpark and tossed a cracked bat or a couple balls through Feegler's open bedroom window on a summer night.

I myself have written about Byron "Lord" Nelson of golf:

And I can clearly remember my college days at Franklin & Marshall, when all the big names in music passed through little 'ol Lancaster and performed in our gym for $5.00 a ticket.  I'm talking the likes of Jefferson AIrplane, the Beach Boys, the Tops and the Temps, James Brown and the Spoonful and Simon & Garfunkel.

These were the days when the money wasn't so big that it corrupted even the the best of the best.

The big bucks in entertainment don't bother me much.  I won't pay a poor man's week's earnings for a concert or a ballgame.  If you want to, that's your business.

But I do get irked when I read about members of our higher ed community stooping to the depths that I read about in the story above... or the Sandusky affair, lest we forget too soon.

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