Monday, May 4, 2015

Much ado about nothing.

Valdosta State University was shut down recently over the American flag.  First one group stepped on it as it lay fixed to a sidewalk.  Then another group descended on the campus to protest the first group's activity.

Back in my day --- the sixties --- it was flag burning that underwear bundled up.

Should we be concerned that the criminal justice system is out of whack: cops killing unarmed black men; long incarceration for mere drug possession?  You bet!

Should we be concerned that 400 super-rich Americans are as wealthy as the bottom half of our total population?  Do ya think?

Should we care that the Koch family has earmarked $900 million for the next national election cycle?  I am.

But why get excited about a modest exercise of First Amendments rights on a college campus... in a manner that the Supreme Court declared to be constitutional 50 years ago?

On the other hand, I suppose that a country where "Fifty Shades of Gray" can make its author a multi, multi millionaire;  where baseball players average $4.5 million salary  per year; where the Kardashians are famous for being... what? Famous, I guess... that a country like this can get more excited about a little college protesting than it gets about the growing disparity in wealth between the super-rich and the rest of us.  Where the implosion of the middle class is less important than the NFL draft.

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