Monday, July 27, 2015

Obama and Duncan look down the home stretch: Duncan reportedly will give a speech today about the Administration's plans for the final year and a half.

Democrats have made student-loan debt a campaign issue.  As I have been saying for years, the right of all persons in the US to have a K-12 education ought to be extended at least through the community college level.  A high school diploma just doesn't cut it anymore.

Gainful employment regs, second time around, have passed judicial scrutiny and should be a bracing tonic for what ails the for-profit sector, i.e., churning students to turn loans into profits.

And, as Duncan apparently will suggest, we need to become a whole lot more efficient in the delivery of instruction.  This means, among other things, that faculty with full-time jobs really need to start working full-time.

ANd we need to stop kidding ourselves about the value of a liberal arts education.  Just this past weekend, my wife and I were talking with an old friend about her daughter, who insisted on majoring in history.  A year later, no meaningful employment.  Solution? She's returning to school to get certified as a speech therapist.  Point taken?

A good healthy dose of the liberal arts and sciences is essential to the creation of an educated citizen.  But majors need to be pointed toward real jobs.  Full stop.

I do believe the Administration is thinking along these lines.  If so, I am on board.

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