Thursday, July 16, 2015

Congress may actually do something... and do it right... this term.

First, there is the revision of the "No Child Left Behind" Law, George Bush's second-most-brainless legacy, after the war in Iraq.  Conceived by legislators and bureaucrats, who never did any more time in a K-12 classroom than perhaps a Teach-America gig of a year or two, the long is wrong headed and oppressive.  Both houses will have passed something by week's end and then will sit down to hammer out their differences.

Second, President Obama is calling for reform of our federal drug laws.|bon1-c|dl2|sec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D1298959117

Yesterday, Bubba Clinton apologized for having signed the law that has put hundreds of thousands of minor drug offenders behind bars, giving America the highest incarceration rate of any Western nation, costing us taxpayers billions,a nd doing nothing much to win the so-called War on Drugs.  This was Clinton's second biggest bonehead move, behind repealing the Glass-Steagall Act, which as much as anything made possible the Great Recession.

This reformation, along with the legalization of marijuana --- which now seems as irresistible a trend as the recognition of same-sex marriage --- will go a long way to rationalizing and humanizing our criminal justice system.

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