Thursday, May 7, 2015

In the wake of the Corinthian debacle, two more for-profit companies are trimming back their higher ed operations.

Regulatory pressures and declining profitability are blamed for the retrenchments.
But before we in the non-profit arena cheer these developments, we should be asking who's next?

The answer, I think, is the private, small-to-medium-sized college/university sector.  Many are tuition driven.  All are overpriced.  Discounts are deepening, sometime alarmingly, to fill out freshmen classes.

Many such schools actually are survivors from the first wave of American higher education, dating back to the colonial era.  SOme have grown rich and prestigious down through the decades, and indeed the centuries.

Most have not.  But they have persisted in the shadow of the major public university systems, the community college systems, the mighty R1s... like the rodents running between the feet of the elephant herd.  But those days may finally be drawing to a close.

See more of my thoughts on this here:

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